Legal Notices
Who are we?
Our website is managed by SARL ART ET PUB.
- Capital: 70,000 €
- Siren: 521 076 984 (R.C.S Ajaccio) Code APE: 7410Z
- VAT Number: FR13521076984
- Address: LUMALÉA - Zone industrielle de Caldaniccia 20167 Sarrola-Carcopino
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- Phone: +33 1 89 70 84 01
- Publication Director: Mr. Trombella Mickael
Intellectual Property
- All software creations present on our sites, the administration back-offices, and the services offered are original creations and are the exclusive property of the company Art et pub.
- All elements constituting the framework of the sites (photos, images, logos, drawings, modeled elements, etc.) are also protected by Copyright and are the exclusive property of their respective authors.
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In accordance with the provisions of article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction, nesting, or dissemination of the aforementioned elements is prohibited.
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